Cohort, St Ives offers a hybrid hospitality concept of hostel accommodation. We are a specialist educational trip accommodation provider and family friendly hostel. In addition we accept groups, walkers, and all other independent travellers.
This policy defines and establishes which types of groups can book a stay at Cohort, St Ives. This policy is to provide everyone with an understanding of which type of groups we accept and do not accept.
For the purpose of this policy, the following group definitions apply:
Due to the nature of our building the majority of our accommodation is grouped together in one section. As with any accommodation provider, to ensure the enjoyment and comfort of ALL OUR guests it is essential that the accommodation quarter is calm and peaceful.
We wish to avoid disruption to all our guests, and groups *can* be overpowering, no matter how well intentioned. For this reason we operate a strict Group Acceptance policy and Group Stay Policy (see separate policy).
Educational groups and families form part of our core market and so we give priority and flexibility to these groups over all others.
Here is a list of groups types we do and do not accept at Cohort, St Ives:
Groups we DO NOT accept at Cohort:
Groups we DO accept:
We accept small (up to 8) friendship groups of young people as long as each member is over 16 years old
The booking must be made by someone 18 years or over such as a parent, guardian or adult who can take responsibility for payment (or damages) even if they are not coming along for the stay.
We will require identification on arrival of all members of the group and we will require the contact details of the group trip organiser who will act as the lead and main contact for the duration of the group stay.
All group trip organisers who wish to stay with us must read through our Group Acceptance policy on our website to ensure they fit our criteria before booking.
Most small groups (of all types), as long as they fit our criteria, can book their stay online without need for organising via the Groups & Schools Coordinator.
All other groups enquiries and bookings must be made over the phone or by email. Group trip organisers must liaise with the Group & Schools Coordinator by contacting 01736 791664 or by email